中国有一句话,叫“人贵有自知之明”。这个观念的 最早提出者是老子。老子在《道德经》里说“知人者智,自知者明”。有“自知之明”是指人应该对自己有正确的认识,了解自身的优点和缺点,清醒地知道自己能做什么。
1 | As the Chinese saying goes, it is important to know oneself. The first person to put forward this idea was Laozi, who wrote in his book DaoDe jing :"A person who knows others is intelligent, but a person who knows himself is insightful." To know oneself is to have a corret understanding of oneself, including one's strengths and limitations, and to be clear-minded about what one can do. |
1 | we cherish this virtue so much precisely, because it is hard for people to know themselves. Knowing oneself is both part of a philosophy of life and a virtue that can improve oneself and attainment of a higher life goal. |
1 | Compared to their parents, children now do enjoy a far better material life, but their emotional life seems less satisfying. They are less likely to play with their peers, for toys have replaced their playments as their most loyal friends. Their parents can always afford to buy them all kinds of expensive toys. |
1 | The good things about this is that they no longer pester their parents to play with them all day long, because toys and video games have lessened their feelings of loneliness. But there are alse negetive effects: The addiction to toys and video games may cause a child's eyesight to deteriorate or make them unwilling to communicate with others. The phenomenona should demand the attention of both parents and schools. |
在敦煌莫高窟,最著名的艺术杰作要数壁画“飞天”( flying apsaras)。敦煌飞天是印度文化和中国文化共同孕育而成的。在印度,被称为“飞天”的空中飞行的天神(celestial beings)多出现在佛教石窟壁画(grotto mural)中,中国道教传统则把在空中飞行的天神称为“飞仙”( flying immortals)。
1 | In the Mogaocaves in Dunhuang, the murals with "flying apsaras" are one of the most well-known artistic masterpiece. The flying apsaras in Dunhuang are product of the intermixing of Indian and Chinese culture |
1 | During Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties, when the introduction of Buddhism in China was at an early stage, people began to call flying immortals in murals "flying apsaras". Later, with the development of Buddhism in China, the artistic images of Buddhist flying apsaras and Daoist flying immortals merged with each other. |
1 | Now, China, with the largest population of elderly people in the world, has become an ageing society. Meanwhile, China is alse a country undergoing social transition. It will be a long time before a sound social welfare system can be established, which means that China is in a unique situation when it comes to care of its ageing population. It is predicted that in the next 50 years, family care for the aged will still be the main way in China. |
孝敬父母(filial piety)一直是中国传统伦理道德(ethics)的重要组成部分。在当今这样一个老龄化的社会中,弘扬孝道就显得更加重要,因为在鼓励人们对家里的老人提供日常照顾和情感慰藉方面,孝道仍将起关键性的作用
1 | Filial piety has always been a significant part of traditional Chinese ethics. In today's ageing society, it will be all the more important to promote the virtue of filial piety, as it will continue to play a key role in encouraging people to take good care of their elderly family members by providing daily care and emotional support. |
1 | Women are an important part of the labour force.But gender discrimination in the job market still exists, and serves as a counter force to the building of a harmonious society. As far as employees are concerned, jobs that do not suit their talents will not noly give rise to a waste of the investment in human capital, but alse cause them to lose faith in social justice. |
1 | As for employers, gender discrimination will not noly destroy the process of selecting talent, and waste talent, but also harm the perception of a people of a properly functioning market. On the level of society, gender discrimination not only disturb proper distribution of human resources, and damage a fair environment in the job market. |
1 | The Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. But in recent years, many people have complained that the celebratory atmostphere of lunar New Year is not as strong as it used to be, and it is hard for them to regain that wonderful feeling in their memories. In fact, in the past, it was only during the Spring Festival that people could enjoy delicious food and wear new clothes.This explains why the holiday was so important to Chinese people. |
1 | But with whe rapid development of the Chinese economy and an increasingly rich material life, the ways in which Chinese people celebrate the Spring festival have changed. For intance, more and more people choose to travel during the Spring Festival. Nonetheless, for Chinese people, the Spring Festival play an irreplaceable role in their culture. |
1 | China is one of the countries that are most affected by natural disasters. In peace time, rescue and relief work is an important mission of the Chinese army. China's armed forces always form task forces of rescue and relief work, taking on the most urgent, most difficult and most dangerous jobs. Chinese army perform their rescue and relief work as if they were fighting a war, sometimes even at the risk of their own lives. whenever the People's liberation Army arrives at an area hit by a natural disaster, the local people will welcome them warmly and feel greatly relieved, The sense of organization, professionalism and efficiency they have displayed has helped them win the trust and praise of the public. |